Recently I published the Gay Woman’s Guide to Making a Baby Part One and Part Two and it has since proven to be one of my most popular blog posts. I thought it would be interesting to follow up with a compilation of conception stories from LGBTQ family bloggers and vloggers, to serve as an informative and inspirational resource for those who want to explore their options or to learn more about diverse family structures. If you’ve already read and enjoyed our story of how we conceived our first pregnancy, you may also enjoy following the bloggers and vloggers below.

If you have a story to share, I’d love for you to leave a link in the comments below and I’ll add it to this post!
Baby Bailey Mama Drama are based in the US. They conceived their family using reciprocal IVF – Katie gestated their adorable daughters, who were conceived using Christina’s eggs. They have recently shared that they plan to try for a third child in 2020 – I’m very excited to follow this new chapter of their story!
Living Rosa are another reciprocal IVF family based in the US. They have a little girl, toddler twins and are newly expecting their fourth child.
Brighton-based Les Be Mums write so eloquently about LGBTQ issues, it’s always a treat to follow their blog. They have a little boy and shared their TTC timeline after conceiving at home using a known donor.
Fizzy Peaches, Lyndsay, and her wife have two little girls conceived via IVF. She shared her IVF story and her Frozen Embryo Transfer story, detailed must-reads for anyone considering undergoing the process.
Our Big, Gay Journey have been vlogging their complicated TTC journey for the past year and whilst they haven’t been lucky enough to experience a pregnancy yet, I’m sure that it will soon. Their channel offers a lot of opportunity for insight and education as to what trying to conceive as a lesbian couple might be like.
Teddy Has Two Mams vlog eloquently about trying to conceive as an older (40+) mother, and have their own darling success story in the form of sweet baby Teddy.
Are you a blogger, vlogger or instagrammer with a story to share? Leave a link in the comments below if you would like your story to be included. Or share your story in the comments instead so that everyone can read about your TTC experience.
We are a Belgian/British lesbian couple, we considered allll possible options before finally going with IVF in the UK as that allowed us to use an open sperm donor (the law in Belgium is different). After OHSS and a FET, we got our little girl in November! is my blog about our journey through ivf from my prospective as the non carrying partner. Mothership is 41 and time is against us. We are autistic so that sometimes throws up some additional challenges for us.