Earlier this month, we said goodbye to our rented house in South-East London and moved to the seaside town of Folkestone, to a home of our own. There is a home tour on my YouTube if you’d like to see our house in its raw state, before we get started on decorating it.
Our vendors are the loveliest people, and as well as messaging advice about the care and keeping of the houseplants that we were fortunate to inherit, they also let me know that a) the sprawling plant in the garden was rhubarb and b) it makes a delicious pie. I couldn’t stop thinking of this pie, and I thought it would be a lovely experience for our children – to harvest rhubarb from our garden and turn it into something edible. So we did that – and was, indeed, the loveliest experience! Kirsty and I kept asking each other whether we could believe it; we have a garden of our own, a home of our own. And we made a pie!
As you might know, I have another job – my real-world, reliable, not-a-social-media-job job – but my income from this blog and the associated social media were also taken into account when the bank considered whether to offer us a mortgage that covered the house that we eventually bought. So I have all of you to thank for our home. Thank you for engaging with my blog and YouTube, liking and commenting on instagram, You gave us rhubarb pie from the garden. Thank you. I am truly grateful.

I adore these photos. They show the children enjoying the fruits of your new home so well. No pun intended. I particularly love the one of Polly with the rhubarb hat on, and the knife in her hand ?, and also Vita sitting on the kitchen table with a rhubarb hat on ?. Xxx
Inspiration is wrapped up in every one of those rhubarb stalks. That was my first resulting thought after reading this post and studying the one-of-a-kind pictures.